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This section of documentation was written by realdeadbeef


This article covers the config.yml and the messages.yml. If you touch any of the other config files, this is at your own risk!. These files contain data and if it is broken, all that data will be lost, rendering major parts of your server as broken.


Before reloading/restarting the plugin, backup your config files so that if anything goes wrong, you still have them. You can also use yaml linter to see if there are any syntax errors in your config


data-storage : This section of the file defines how data is stored.

type : Configures the storage type.

  • If you are using a MySQL database, this should be set to mysql.
  • If You are not using a database this should be set to flat.
  • If you are using a Mongo database, this should be set to mongo.

host : Sets the IP address of the MySQL or Mongo database.


This should NOT include port number

Syntax: host: your-database-ip

port : Sets the port on which the database is listening on.


The default port for MySQL is 3306 and the default port for MongoDB is 27017

Syntax: port: database-port

database : Identifies the database in which to store data.
Syntax: database: "database-name"


This value is only needed for MySQL.

authentication : Authentication settings.

enabled : Turns on authentication for the database.
Syntax: enabled: true|false


Authentication is required for MySQL.

username : Sets the username used for authenticating with the database.
Syntax: username: database-username

password : Sets the password used for authenticating with the database.
Syntax: password: p4ssw0rd

enable-signs : Enables signs.
Syntax: enable-signs: true|false

enable-guis: : Enables the in-game GUI's.
Syntax: enable-guis: true|false

exp : In-game experience points settings.

kills : Defines how many experience points a player should receive per kill.
Syntax: kills: number-of-experience-points


This should be a number with a decimal point. E.g. kills: 25.0. Even if it is a whole number, it should still have the .0 after it.

filler-item : This defines the item that should fill in the gaps in the inventory GUI.


Item codes can be found here

abilities: This allows you to customize how the abilities look
Syntax: (Example)

tnt-shooter: #This is the name of the ability, it does not show up in-game.
  displayname:  "&cTnT Shooter" #This is the name of the item that will give the ability.
  material:  "TNT" #This is the item that will be given to player, item codes can be found here:
  amount:  10 #How many of the items to give to the player.
  lore: #Pretty text that is added to the item's description/lore box.
     -  "&7Shoot opponents with primed tnt"
     -  "&7Just right click"


Minecraft color codes can be used in the lore quote marks in the config above, see end of docs.

scoreboard : This section is where the scoreboard settings are defined.

enabled : This enables and disables the scoreboards.
Syntax: true|false

disabled-worlds : This setting defines which worlds should be disabled.
In Spigot there are normally 3 worlds:

  • world (Overworld)
  • world_nether (The Nether)
  • world_the_end (The End)

You can disable any worlds here.

   - world_the_end
   - world_nether
spawn : This section defines the text on the spawn/lobby scoreboard.

title : This defines the text at the top of the scoreboard (The Title).
Syntax: title: "title-text"

board : This section defines the text on the scoreboard

 -  "&7%bar%"#This is a bar/line colored gray with the code '&7'
 -  "&7Hello there %player%"#This says 'Hello there' and then the players username, defined by '%player%' in the color gray, indicated by '&7'.
 -  ""#This is just a blank space created by some empty quote marks - You could put some text in here.
 -  "&7Kills: &b%kills%"#This says 'Kills:' in the color gray, indicated by the color code '&7' followed by the number of kills, indicated by '%kills%' in the color aqua, indicated by '&b'.
 -  "&7Deaths: &b%deaths%"#This says 'Deaths:' in the color gray, indicated by the color code '&7' followed by the number of deaths, indicated by '%deaths%' in the color aqua, indicated by '&b'.
 -  ""#This is just a blank space created by some empty quote marks - You could put some text in here.
 -  ""#Some customisable text
 -  "&7%bar%"#This is a bar/line colored gray with the code '&7'

arena : This section defines the text on the arena scoreboard.

title : This defines the text at the top of the scoreboard (The Title).
Syntax: title: "title-text"

board : This section defines the text on the scoreboard

 -  "&7%bar%"#This is a bar/line colored gray with the code '&7'
 -  "&7Hello there %player%"#This says 'Hello there' and then the players username, defined by '%player%' in the color gray, indicated by '&7'.
 -  ""#This is just a blank space created by some empty quote marks - You could put some text in here.
 -  "&7Kills: &b%kills%"#This says 'Kills:' in the color gray, indicated by the color code '&7' followed by the number of kills, indicated by '%kills%' in the color aqua, indicated by '&b'.
 -  "&7Deaths: &b%deaths%"#This says 'Deaths:' in the color gray, indicated by the color code '&7' followed by the number of deaths, indicated by '%deaths%' in the color aqua, indicated by '&b'.
 -  ""#This is just a blank space created by some empty quote marks - You could put some text in here.
 -  ""#Some customisable text
 -  "&7%bar%"#This is a bar/line colored gray with the code '&7'


This section won't be so well documented as there is over 100 different messages and I think it is quite self-explanatory. However, I will document some of the more important things.

Message Description Placeholders Notes
prefix A string of text used at the beginning of each message Leave blank for no prefix
exp-given Sent when a player receives exp %amount% - The amount of exp
stats-message The /stats message %deaths%, %kills%, %exp%, %level%, %killstreak%, %kdr%, %top_killstreak% Self explanatory placeholders. This is a string list
spawn-message Message sent when /spawn is run
arena-message Message sent when /play is run
permission-message Message sent when a player dosent have permission to do something
console-command Sent when the command is not available for the console
no-last-page Sent when there is no previous page on a paginated menu
no-next-page Sent when there is no next page on a paginated menu
death Sent when a player dies to another player %killer% - Who killed them
killed Sent when you kill a player %victim% - The person you killed
broadcast-death Broadcast to the server when someone gets killed %killer%, %victim% Leave blank for no broadcast
arrow-hit Sent when a player hits someone with a bow/arrow %victim% - who they hit
spawn-set Message sent when /setspawn is ran
arena-set Message sent when /setarena is ran
plugin-reloaded Sent when you reload the plugin
balance-message /bal message %balance% - Player's balance
other-balance-message /balother message %balance% - the targets balance, %target%
balance-set When admin sets player's balance %target%, %balance%
balance-reset When admin resets a player's balance %target%
balance-given When admin gives X amount to player %target%, %givenAmount%
pay-message When you send a player money successfully %targe%, %amount%
insufficient-balance When a player dosent have a high enough balance
paid-message When you get paid by another player %payer% - Who paid you, %amount%
sent-to-self When a player tries to send money to themselves
cooldown-message Sent when a player tries to use a ability on cooldown
no-longer-on-cooldown Sent when a ability comes off cooldown %name% - ability name
sonic-activation-message Sent when sonic ability is activated
fireman-activation-message Sent when fireman ability is activated

Though there is more, the rest is fairly self explanatory


The leaderboards part is the displayname of the leaderboard


These are all the placeholders supported by all the messages. Other messages may have specific placeholders. These will be listed in the comment above it

Placeholder Description Notes
%player% The player's name Can only be used where a player is applicable
%bar% Will return a line
%blank% Will return blank
%left_arrow% «
%right_arrow% »
The following placeholders require PlaceHolderAPI
%kpvp_deaths% The death count of the player Can only be used when player is applicable
%kpvp_kills% The kill count of the player Can only be used where a player is applicable
%kpvp_exp% The exp of the player Can only be used where a player is applicable
%kpvp_level% The level of the player Can only be used where a player is applicable
%kpvp_bal% The balance of the player Can only be used where a player is applicable

prefix : This is a bit of text that prefixes every message.
E.g. [KitPvP Plus] You don't have permission

Minecraft color Codes

Here is an example on how to use color codes:

✅ "&4Red Text": This text is red as it uses the '&4' color code.

✅ "&4&nRed Underlined text": This text is red and underlined as it uses the '&4' color code to make it red and the '&n' formatting code to underline.

✅ "&cRed &aGreen &9Blue": You can color code different words by placing color codes next to them.

❌ "Red&c Green&a Blue&9": This would highlight the text in front of the color code so "Red" wouldn't be colored and "Green" would be highlighted red and so on and so forth.

color Code
Dark Red &4
Red &c
Gold &6
Yellow &e
Dark Green &2
Green &a
Dark Aqua &3
Aqua &b
Dark Blue &1
Blue &9
Light Purple &d
Dark Purple &5
White &f
Gray &7
Dark Gray &8
Black &0
Bold &l
Italics &o
Underline &n
~~Strikethrough~~ &m

Found a problem? This documentation is open source and can be found here.

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